Game Sheets allow volunteers and game officials to record scores and game results manually.
These have changed slightly due to the new PlayHQ system implemented by Netball Australia. There are two types of game Sheets: Basic and Advanced. Each of these contain comprehensive details such as:
Name of Team A and Team B
Grade, Round, and unique 'Game Code' which can be used to identify a specific game
Date, Time, and Venue/Court
The players allocated to each team (listed in Player # order, maximum of 12 players per team)
Fill-in players
The allocated coach (or coaches) for each team
Progressive score
PDNA are using the Advanced Game Sheet, a copy of this is below.

1. Coach, Assistant Coach or Manager must check opposition “brag book” and PRINT their name in the space provided on the score sheet.
2. Scorers MUST stand together throughout the game.
3. Player’s names are printed on the score sheet. You MUST check all players’ names.
4. Those players who are not on the scoresheet MUST have their name added.
5. When borrowing a player, their name, team & grade MUST be completed in the space provided. Fines or penalties are incurred if not completed.
6. You must mark against each player’s name the position when they take the court. ONLY mark position changes when they occur. Leave space blank if player does not play.
7. If the score sheet is not completed correctly, teams may not receive points or goals for that game.
Any concerns please seek help from PDNA Executive DURING the game…
It is too late after the game has finished.